We are delighted to have you visit our church website. I am humbled and privileged to serve as pastor of Livingston Baptist Church. Our heart's desire is for people to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and begin to grow in their walk with the Lord by becoming actively involved in a local church that cares for them.
My prayer is that God will use the ministry here to help equip the saints, exalt the Savior, establish strong personal relationships with Christ, and encourage each other on this pilgrim journey, while seeking to evangelize the lost in our community and around the world.
— Pastor Matthew Griffin
Present Teaching Series
Please join us in person or online via Live Stream each Wednesday evening as Pastor Griffin leads us in a study through the book of The Revelation. 7:00pm in the Sanctuary
Kid's Bible Club
Wednesday Night Kid's Bible Club for ages 4-12 meets each Wednesday evening at 7:00PM. Music, Bible lessons, fun activities.
Weekly Events
Sunday Prayer Time: 9:30AM Sunday School: 9:45 AM Worship: 11:00 AM Evening Worship: 7:00 PM